Applications are now open for the 13th edition of the Dedalo Minosse International Prize for Architecture.

ALA Assoarchitetti & Ingegneri announces the thirteenth edition of the Dedalo Minosse International Prize for Commissioning Architecture, organised in collaboration with the Veneto Region and the Municipality of Vicenza.
This prestigious international award aims to promote the quality of architecture in Italy and throughout the world and is the only internationally accredited award to be conferred on Clients, i.e. companies, organisations or institutions, that entrust an architect or freelance engineer with the realisation of innovative and original works.

Nominations may be submitted by public or private clients, designers, contractors or suppliers, as well as others involved in the design and construction process. The award is open to Italian and foreign clients, with no size or type limits for the works, as long as they have been completed within the last five years.
A special section is dedicated to clients investing in young designers under 40 and Italian professionals, offering them an important opportunity for international comparison.
A multidisciplinary and international jury will select the winners by assessing the contribution of the principals to the realisation of works of architectural value, according to the following criteria:
– economic, environmental and social sustainability;
– innovation in the use of technologies, materials and systems;
– adherence to the principles of Design for All;
– enhancement and protection of the landscape and architectural heritage;
– respect for local traditions and languages;
– multidisciplinary approach;
– integration between art and architecture;
– quality of interior spaces and new ways of living.

Since 1997, the Dedalo Minosse Prize has involved established and emerging designers from more than 60 countries, candi-dating clients of great works and infrastructures, but also small masterpieces. What really counts is the creative process and the extraordinary stories that give rise to unique works!



21 May 2025 – closing date for entries


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