F / A FakeAuthentic: (EXTRA)ORDINARY

The architecture studio AMArchitectrue, founded and directed by Stefania Agostini and Luca Mostarda, launched an international competition in 2019, open to young creatives who were interested in proposing their own reflection on the proposed theme, FakeAuthentic, through the creation of an object of use or a work of art.
The idea of starting a collective was born from the desire to actively participate in the cultural life of Milan, bringing an international, ironic, spontaneous and sometimes critical contribution, giving space to emerging creatives and celebrating their work through an exhibition.

F / A FakeAuthentic, thanks to its success, has become a travelling exhibition and is held annually and, on the occasion of Milan Design Week, renews the invitation to new talents to participate in the competition each year with a current theme.
In 2022, AMA presents F / A Gallery, a virtual platform that includes the work submitted by participants in past exhibitions. A selection of young talents and their works, which has become a rich collection over time, is now available on the e-shop www.fakeauthentic.gallery.

On the occasion of Milan Design Week 2024, studio AMA presents the fifth edition of the F / A FakeAuthentic exhibition. This year the theme proposed to the participants, on which they have to reflect and propose their interpretation in the form of a work, is (EXTRA)ORDINARY.
After the last experiences at Galleria Antonia Jannone and ASSABONE, AMA presents the works of twenty-two participants in the evocative spaces of DROPCITY, the tunnels under the tracks of the Central Station.
The curators, in turn, will interpret the proposed theme and devise a set design that will take its cue from the location, in order to render a reinterpretation of it through a new spatial experience.

The Tunnel 40 will also be the setting for an ambitious collaboration, becoming the space where Simone Trabucchi and his project HUNDEBISS will flood the air at sunset. Surrounded by HUNDEBISS’ songs, F/A GALLERY will turn into a club where music will give life to a new kind of exhibition that defies stereotypes.
An ORDINARY exhibition by day, an EXTRAORDINARY club by night and vice versa.

Cover: Angeliki Papavasileiou, Gregory Tsantilas Vermis, 2023
Photo 1: KOSMOS Architects, DICE, 2024 chair 1080×1080 © Maxim Cherepanov
Photos 2-3: From outer Space, UNIT, 2019-23 © Piergiorgio Sorgetti
Photo 4: L. Stacchini T. Galvan, Petra, 2024, ©L.Stacchini T.Galvan
Photo 5: PiaMatthes, YAMA, 2024
Photos 6-7: SANCHEZMORGILLO, Hanger, 2024
Photo 8: Graber Reiner, Flamingo, 2024, Rendering © GraberReiner
Photo 9: ANASTASIA VAYNBERG, The self for unfinished books
Photo 10: Roman Stock Raho